Byte-sized delights that are guaranteed to ward off hysteria and melancholy!
by Lee Fastenau
0POKE184,21+(Z=0)*84:POKE50,63+192*(N=P):R%=N/4:HTAB3*(N-R%*4)+1:VTAB2*R%+1:A$=STR$(T(N))+" ":?MID$(A$,1+(N=P)*2,2):RETURN:Z=1:HOME:DIMT(16):FORN=0TO15:T(N)=N:NEXT:N=INT(RND(1)*14)+1:T(N)=N+1:T(N+1)=N:FORN=0TO15:GOSUB0:NEXT
Controls are I, J, K, and L (all CAPS) to slide tiles up, left, down, and right, respectively. To win, move all the tiles into ascending numerical order leaving the empty tile in the bottom-rightmost position.
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